Workshop feature
The Atlas Chiropractic system is all about helping you grow your practice. The workshop feature is a great way for you to keep record of who has attended your workshops and seminars, and uses the sign in system without interrupting your office flow. Set up is as easy as adding a service, you just make sure to check off the box that says ‘is a workshop’. When the time comes to host the workshop, simply activate it. You can change the sign in screen and arrival queue colour to remind you Atlas is in this workshop mode. If a patient with an appointment signs in, they are added to the arrival queue as normal. If they are there to attend the workshop and do not have an appointment, they must still sign in, but are not added to the queue. A line will appear in their transaction ledger to indicate they have attended this workshop. Clear the active workshops for the sign in to return to normal mode: a simple, yet thoughtful feature. Try it out for your next workshop or seminar!
Health Articles
The Atlas system comes with over 50 health articles that you can customize with your clinic information and logo. Of course, you can always upload your own articles as well. Atlas chiropractic system will become a virtual library for you; accessible at the tip of your finger. You can schedule these articles to auto print when a patient signs in on a particular visit number or date. The system recognizes if they are due to receive the article, prints it out, and then the CA will receive a message that they need to hand it to the patient. This allows the CA to get much more involved with patient education, and ensures that the patients are getting the education they need in order to become lifelong wellness patients. Health articles, just one of the many ways Atlas helps you grow your practice from the inside out.
If you are selling any products in your office, such as supplements or pillows, Atlas has your inventory needs covered. Atlas stores information such as the minimum and maximum quantities you want to have on hand, as well as the cost to you, supplier information, applicable taxes, etc. You can even set up special pricing categories, like a discount for seniors. Bring up the inventory report to show exactly what you have on hand, and what items may need to be reordered. Receiving is an easy task as well. Simply select the supplier it has come from, the item name and the quantity that you have received and it will be updated in the system. With Atlas, there is no need to have a separate program to efficiently manage your inventory. It doesn’t matter if you only sell pillows or have a store front. Atlas will manage it just perfectly.
Microtics are a great way to keep yourself organized while making sure you are discussing all of the important topics with your patients. Scheduled by visit count, you simply enter the subject you want to talk to your patient about at that point in their care, and Atlas automatically prompts you on the VTC. The subject will simply show up on the bottom of the screen. Schedule reminders such as asking them to bring in their family members for examinations, or simply take their report of findings and break it down into bite size pieces, reviewing that education with your patient to further instil the chiropractic message. Atlas will ensure you are covering all of the topics you want to discuss, at appropriate points in their care, and take away the worry of repeating yourself. This simple exercise will help you transform your patient’s healthcare beliefs one visit at a time in just a few seconds.
New Facility
In order to better serve you, Atlas will be moving to a new permanent training facility June 17th and 18th.
Our new location will include a chiropractic office training center to help us train staff, perform additional Beta testing, as well as produce video training modules and more! This exciting change allows us to have Atlas in our own environment setup up just the way you would use it. This not only allows our staff to see how an office works but now I get to adjust our staff in a real office environment, exciting! They can fob in like everyone else, which will add fun to the adjustment.
We look forward to a bright future together in our new permanent home.
Dr. Stephane
The Safety Net
Never let another patient slip through the cracks! Atlas automatically adds any patient who has cancelled, missed an appointment, or left without making a future appointment into the Safety Net. Simply click on the patient’s name and the Patient Contact Manager is launched which makes it easy to contact and rebook patients. The Patient Contact Manager records the initials of the CA who contacts the patient, the way they made contact, and any notes needed. This makes for seamless follow up calls if you have more than one CA working in your office. As soon as an appointment is made for that patient, they automatically come out of the Safety Net.
Want to send out appointment reminders by email?
Set the patient to receive a reminder in the system either the day of the appointment, the day before or two days before and they will show up automatically in the ‘Confirms’ tab of the Safety Net on the proper day. Click the ‘Email’ button and Atlas will send everyone in the list their individual times and dates of their appointments. It’s that easy!
It’s an amazing practice building tool that will make you wonder how you ever managed without it.
Chiropractic Software Marketing
There was once a day when all a fledgling chiropractor needed to do was hang their shingle and buy a Yellow Page ad, and then wait for the new patients to flow in. But times have changed, patients have changed and marketing has changed. People are now plugged into a new era of technology; with the advent of computers, the internet, email, iPods and iPhones. Whether you like it or not, we are a technologically driven society, and the chiropractic marketplace is no different. Now, a successful chiropractor must stretch their marketing dollar to reach more potential new patients. Atlas provides you with the tools to help you market your practice internally and externally. Take advantage of the Health Article System, Educational messaging and especially the 35 educational videos produced by Atlas and ChiroVMail. Stay tuned for Version 2.0 of ChiroVMail with many advanced features.
Chiro Online
Atlas Chiropractic System is always on the cutting edge of technology and now we bring you something that no other chiropractic software company has done. Chiro Online will allow your patients to book an appointment online and have that appointment show up on your Atlas schedule automatically. You'll even get an email to notify you when someone books online. Imagine the flexibility this gives your patients to be able to book an appointment without having to pick up a phone, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Best of all, Atlas and Chiro Online are synced to work together efficiently. If your schedule is already full, those times won't be available online, so no accidental overbooking.
Ask us about additional features such as automatic appointment reminders for those that book online. Have the ability to collect payments from your website, or even create bundles of adjustments that they can purchase at a lower rate than paying for them separately.
Call us today to get your Chiro Online account started!
Chiropractic Software
Booking an appointment will now be as easy as 1-2-3 and fully integrated into your Atlas Chiropractic System. Enjoy the benefits of being part of the only chiropractic software worldwide to offer Online Booking.
Not only will your current patients and New patients enjoy the flexibility to book online 24/7 but it will input the appointment directly into your Atlas system and send a message to your email.
Dr. Pete Says it Best:
We have been getting 2-3 new patients a week with zero effort and minimal cost. All it takes are a few clicks for a new patient or existing patients to book their appointment using ChiroOnline. The truly amazing part is when we see the new patient instantly appear in Atlas and I get an email confirmation of the appointment on my iPhone. The system works great with my existing patients as well.
Atlas Chiropractic System Launches the Neurosimulator
We can’t deny the connection between the spine, nervous system and the rest of the body including our internal organs. We wanted to bring that to life in the clinic with a touch of the finger. Being able to communicate efficiently at the table side with your patients is more important than ever.
If you don’t take the time to educate your patients the likely hood of them being wellness patients for life diminishes. With the Neurosimulator you don’t have to rely on third party software. It is so much easier to work within one system. Our goal has always been to create our own tools to allow our chiropractors the most flexibility. We practice what chiropractors have been saying for over 100 years from the inside out.
Referral Chart
Atlas also contains a separate leads database, so you can easily keep track of the workshops new prospects have attended, or whether they have been given a new patient package or not. You can even send them powerful, educational videos with the ChiroVMail system, which is integrated with Atlas.
Don't just manage your practice; GROW your practice, with Atlas.
For the best Chiropractic Software system available today - look no further.
Kate King
Streamline Your Office For Success
Being disorganized costs time, which translates into lost income. Often the chiropractor is unaware how much time certain office tasks take. A thorough evaluation of your chiropractic health assistant's work time is information you need to manage an efficient office.
For example, how much time does your staff spend finding travel cards, handing them out and re-filing them? A surprising amount of time is spent revolving around those paper travel cards. There are also those wasted hours searching for that single elusive travel card that has been misfiled. There is a better way!
By adding our exclusive Atlas virtual travel card system to your office, you could save your staff 35 to 40 hours of work each month. These precious hours could be better utilized by implementing a staff-directed patient education system. This education initiative will generate more patients for your practice. Handling paper travel cards will never generate new patients in a practice and will only frustrate CA’s and makes inefficient use of their time. Paper travel cards are to virtual travel cards as 8 track tapes are to CD’s.
Now that your staff has the time, how do they go about educating your patients?
Atlas has 5 main educational components you won’t find in other chiropractic software.
You can use all, some, or a few of these components to create a well rounded patient educational system. If implemented properly, your practice can’t help but grow to the next level. The beauty of these systems is the automation, set it and watch it work. You could easily have a new CA start on Monday morning and have no difficulty keeping the patients’ education on track.
Let’s discuss the first component of this system in this article.
As a chiropractor you might do a fantastic job educating your patients in your report of findings and converting those patients to corrective care. That’s only the first step of the patient’s journey to wellness. Obviously you need to be competent with your care – sorry, we can’t help you in that department!
The second step is often left untouched in chiropractic offices - continual patient education every single day. If you look at the office procedures of a successful chiropractor you can easily see that daily patient education is at the core of their everyday practice routine. Listen carefully! I said everyday practice routine, and not only that, but every single visit. When you’re at the top of your patient education every day you’re not going to see huge fluctuations in your practice volume.
I didn’t say this is going to be easy. We all know when you had a particularly busy weekend it’s sometimes hard to get into the swing of things on Monday morning. If you don’t have your routine scripted and automated it is inevitable that you will slip and fall. I experienced this many times in practice. Volume shifted up and down because of my energy levels and things going on outside of the practice taking away my concentration. Doing a great job with patient care is one thing, but doing an amazing job with patient education is simply in another ball park.
Atlas comes preloaded with educational health messages to set your practice education on autopilot. When your patients sign in with their unique RFID card or keyfob they will receive their health message of the day. We believe in engaging the chiropractic patient! Atlas can even ask them a question when they sign in at the front desk and answer that question when they sign in at the adjustment station. As a chiropractor you can certainly have fun with this system. You have theflexibility to modify these messages and add your own personnel touch to the messaging system.
These messages can be based on a new patient visit sequence, or categorized by weekly or monthly health topics. Atlas has made your job easier by programming a series of chiropractic health affirmations into our software. Select all of the health affirmations, or some of them, or add your own. Many established options are available to deliver these messages to your patients. With our on-site training and installation we will help you implement Atlas to fit your practice perfectly.
This simple system can streamline your patient education program and keep your practice on track. Setting your practice on autopilot with an education plan is a proven way to create consistent results. No other software program on the market today will help you organize and implement your patient education initiative while providing efficient and proven front desk management at the same time.
Generating Atlas office moments not only builds referrals but also reinforces patient care and energizes office staff. With these results, and time for staff to educate patients, your practice cannot help but grow!
Dr. Stephane Laverdiere
Chiropractic Software
Chiropractic Videos
Can 100 million viewers be wrong?
Comscore today revealed that the popular social network YouTube has reached 100 million viewers. In total, internet viewers have viewed 14.8 billion online videos in January 2009 alone.
According to Comscore: “YouTube led the growth charge, accounting for 91 percent of the incremental gain in the number of videos viewed versus December, as it surpassed 100 million viewers for the first time.”
Google continues to surpass others in terms of online video viewing with a 43 percent market share. Of that, YouTube accounts for 99 percent of the videos viewed. Fox Interactive Media account(3.7 percent), Yahoo! Sites(2.5 percent) and Viacom Digital(1.9 percent) are trailing behind by a wide margin.

Are we hooked on internet videos and online TV watching?
People are turning to the internet, you tube, myspace and other services for their source of evening entertainment. Were going to see a big shift over the next 10 years with this new generation being born and raised on the internet.
Web video will not be taking over TV anytime soon but it has caught the attention of big media giants like NBC, News Corp, CBS and Viacom. At a 50+ percent growth over the last year as announced by Neilson in May of 09 it is not something you can ignore. With YouTube firmly entrenched and Hulu’s premium content allowing anyone to watch their favorite TV shows at any time, it’s safe to assume that online video will continue to grow at a rapid pace. Don’t forget to couple this with a young generation that is more tech-savvy.
How can you benefit from Video technology?
When you post videos on you tube the chance of potential patients in your area viewing them are next to none. The best way to benefit from using video is to distribute them via email.
What most chiropractor’s don’t know!
Collecting email accounts is a big business and should be an office policy in all chiropractic offices. Email accounts are now worth millions to advertisers and the reason why they are aggressive trying to get you to opt in to subscribe to their flyers. Once you have patients email you can set them up on a regular email campaign sending them videos on a regular basis.
Do you have your patients watching videos on Headaches, Asthma, Chiropractic and Children and many more topics inside your practice? They might see something in your office but what if they have a video in the inbox they can watch over and over again and even send it to friends and family.
Chiropractic software comes in all shapes and sizes to fit just about every practice need. The companies that shine are the ones that not only have great patient management system but have superior marketing tools for your practice. Video technology is just that tool and why you tube is so popular.
Having a complete patient management system along with a video email marketing system can revolutionize your practice. Educating patients in the office is one thing but reaching them out side office hours in their own home is totally new for most chiropractors.
Doctors have expressed the success they are receiving from this type of advertising. Patients are not only viewing the videos but sending them to friends and family. When a patient receives a video on headaches the likelihood of them forwarding the video to someone is far greater than them distributing a brochure. That forwarded email will contain your contact information including phone number hours of operation maybe website and most important your email.
This is pure genius marketing it’s coming from your patient and going to someone else but it has your clinic all over the email. It’s also a great way to reactivate old patient files.
Get busy and start collecting emails and make the most of this video phenomenon. The doctors of the future will own the video and email waves in their town.
There are services you can subscribe to that have email systems and even templates with newsletters. Take the next step and get involved in the new generation with video email technology.
Dr. Stephane Laverdiere
Chiropractic Videos
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OUTSIDE NORTH AMERICA: 001-519-842-3740
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